Contact Information for Embossing Technologies
Phone: +1 610-627-9030 (USA Eastern Time)
Ask for Carl Ingalls, or leave a message. Office hours are 8:30am to 6pm, Monday through Friday, USA Eastern Time (same time zone as New York City).
Text: +1 484-464-2557 (Google Voice)
When you click on the Send button above, your information will be sent to Carl Ingalls, and you will see an acknowledgement page.
All fields are optional.
If you send a message to me via this webform, and you do not hear back from me within 3 days, please notify me via a different method (phone +1 610-627-9030, text +1 484-464-2557, or email
Embossing Technologies
Attn: Carl Ingalls
4 Leslie Lane
Wallingford, PA 19086
Wallingford is near Philadelphia, about 10 miles from the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL).
The previous office address was 103 Chesley Drive, Suite 200, Media PA 19063